Appointment with the Psychologist

Appointment with the Psychologist

            The very thought of going to a psychologist can be intimidating. You’re about to literally confess almost, if not all, of your intimate thoughts with someone you’ve never met before. You have every right to feel uneasy and skeptical. However, remember that you are not the only one to feel this way. Your sheer will power to conquer this anxiety will help you tremendously and later on in life, you will pat yourself in the back for having taken the bold step. All you have to do is start by making a phone call.

            Psychologists are aware of the turbulent emotions within someone who is yet to make the initial contact. They are used to this and therefore, know how to tackle this situation effectively without making it difficult for you. Once you leave behind your name and contact details, the psychologist would call you. Thereafter, the two actors would discuss the needs of the client and whether or not the psychologist will be capable to help meet them. If he or she can, then an appointment will be set.

            However, don’t be too hasty and do consider a few basic points before setting that appointment in stone. Psychotherapeutic sessions require a lot of investment in time so do check what time and on what days would be most suitable for you. Also, it would be better you go after your day at work has come to an end. Discussion of sensitive topics may leave you weary and exhausted, thereby preventing you to be able to perform efficiently at the workplace. A session normally lasts for a little less than an hour. Hence, it would make you more relaxed and calm if you do not schedule any other miscellaneous appointments very close to your psychotherapy session or set them very close to one another. You shouldn’t be worrying about your other commitments, for the session to be productive. Once you have taken all such aspects into thorough consideration, go ahead and make that call!

            After your first session has been fixed, you might wonder how to get ready for it. The best person to ask is your psychologist. If your insurance or the employee’s healthcare scheme provided by your company is covering the costs of the treatment, the psychologist may ask you to bring along the paperwork with the details covered in it.

            Before the sessions begin, every patient receives some forms that need to be filled. This can be done either in the waiting room of the clinic or at home where you can complete them in a peaceful and relaxed state of mind. This paperwork is crucial because the questions asked are psychological in nature. Your answers to those will help the psychologist map out the best plan of action that would help you.

            Make a list of questions you want to ask in the first session and what your personal goals are. Even if they are ambiguous, it would help both you and the psychologist to give them clarity. They would be translated into realistic goals that the two of you will strive for you to achieve.

            If you wish, you could also opt to do some research on psychotherapy or get feedback from family members and friends who are receiving or have undergone treatment. You’ll have a better sense of what to expect and that would give you a peace of mind and settle your nerves to an extent.

            In case you have received treatment before, records and reviews of those sessions would come in handy for your new psychologist, who may have to then alter and modify the strategy he or she had constructed earlier. These alterations would be based on what was lacking in the previous sessions.

            A lot of topics and issues are discussed during sessions along with a surfeit of advices and suggestions. It may become a Herculean task to keep a track of them all. For this, carry along a small notebook and pen and jot down the important points as and when they are said. This helps because you can always revisit them at a later date.

            Moreover, don’t forget to think about how the payments will be made. Will you pay via cash, credit card, or through your insurance card?

            Above all, do try to cast aside your misconceptions about psychotherapy and psychologists. Make an effort to not miss any session. You will come to realize a lot about yourself and will develop a deeper understanding of exactly who you really are. Be open to the prospect of bettering yourself and you will gain largely. Obstacles that seem as big as ‘Goliath’ will be reduced to the size of a pea because your mind becomes clear of all the previous inhibitions and fears. Slowly, you will begin noticing positive changes in your temperament and wouldn’t that be wonderful?

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